The Voice Reality Check – The Hon Nick Goiran on the real-world impact of Aboriginal Heritage Laws

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Today on The Aussie Wire News: the real-world impact of Aboriginal Heritage Laws

It’s an episode full of politicians and policy, but starting with a bit of a reflection from Topher, we discuss the WA Aboriginal Heritage Laws, Victoria’s insane Gas Ban (yes, gas appliances), and the compensation payout to Tower Lockdowns victims.

1. Topher reflects on the experiences of Warren Mundine, Carly Soderstrom, and his own experiences, discusses the hypocrisy of the ‘RUOK’ mob, and what we need to do about it so as to better support each other.

2. The Hon Nick Goiran MLC from WA joins us to discuss the impact of the WA Aboriginal Heritage laws and how they relate to the upcoming referendum on The Voice.
Follow The Hon Nick Goiran here;

3. Saxon Davidson, research fellow from the IPA, discusses Victoria’s insane Gas Ban and Topher asks the crucial question that you’d THINK Daniel Andrews would be quick to answer… how much will this gas ban lower global temperatures?
Follow Saxon Davidson here;

4. David Limbrick MP joins us to discuss the compensation payout to the victims of Daniel Andrews Tower Lockdowns during the height of the Covid Madness. It was found to be a breach of human rights by the ombudsman, compensation has now been paid by the taxpayer, but will there ever be any accountability for those who actually made the decisions?
Follow David Limbrick here;……

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