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Aussie Wire INSIDERS is where ‘iron sharpens iron’.
It’s the secret engine room of The Aussie Wire.

INSIDERS get access to exclusive content including extended guest interviews and extended episodes, plus access to an active, engaged, and like-minded community of fellow Aussie Wire Insiders including a tips chat area where you can work with other INSIDERS to draw stories to our attention, offer perspective and counter-points to the points made by others, and interact directly with Aussie Wire hosts and staff as we plan upcoming stories and episodes.

Pricing: $8USD per month or $96USD for 12 months paid up front via Locals.

Join The Aussie Wire INSIDERS and benefit from exclusive content, a likeminded community, discounts on merch, special deals with advertisers and partners, discounts on conferences and events that The Aussie Wire hosts, and most importantly, be a part of the ‘engine room’ of The Aussie Wire and help our hosts and staff to make The Aussie Wire the best it can be.

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A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” 

― Winston Churchill

Join the
Insiders Community?


Join The Aussie Wire INSIDERS and help us to continue being Your Connection To The Truth.

Aussie Wire INSIDERS is where ‘iron sharpens iron’.
It’s the secret engine room of The Aussie Wire.

INSIDERS get access to exclusive content including extended guest interviews and extended episodes, plus access to an active, engaged, and like-minded community of fellow Aussie Wire Insiders including a tips chat area where you can work with other INSIDERS to draw stories to our attention, offer perspective and counter-points to the points made by others, and interact directly with Aussie Wire hosts and staff as we plan upcoming stories and episodes.

Pricing: $8USD per month or $79USD for 12 months paid up front via Locals.

Join The Aussie Wire INSIDERS and benefit from exclusive content, a likeminded community, discounts on merch, special deals with advertisers and partners, discounts on conferences and events that The Aussie Wire hosts, and most importantly, be a part of the ‘engine room’ of The Aussie Wire and help our hosts and staff to make The Aussie Wire the best it can be.