Life and death in modern Australia: Human rights, mRNA vaccines, and cancel culture

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Welcome to The Aussie Wire News, today’s episode we discuss our government dependency, speak about the contentious issue of human rights and abortion rights with Dr Joanna Howe, debunk myths surrounding mRNA vaccines in cattle (yes, cattle not humans) with Jake Wolki, and explore life after cancel culture through the experiences of Carly Soderstrom.

  1. Challenging Government Dependency with Topher Field:
    Topher examines the extent to which we rely on the government to “save us,” using Food Safety standards as an example. By questioning our dependency, he encourages a critical assessment of our expectations and explores alternative perspectives.
  2. Dr. Joanna Howe on Abortion Rights and Human Rights:
    Dr. Joanna Howe shares her perspective on the controversial topic of abortion rights and the broader issue of human rights. Her insights provide a valuable contribution to the ongoing discourse surrounding this emotionally charged and vexatious subject.
  3. Debunking Vaccine Myths in Cattle with Jake Wolki:
    Jake Wolki is a regenerative farmer running Wolki Farm, a butchery and Cafe Musette all to promote paddock to plate. Jake has worked with cattle on his farm for years and dismantles misconceptions surrounding mRNA vaccines in cattle. Through evidence-based analysis, he dispels myths and clarifies the benefits and safety of this innovative technology in livestock management.
  4. Life After Cancel Culture: Carly Soderstrom’s Experience
    Carly Soderstrom shares her journey of navigating life after being “cancelled” after her Instagram video went viral as she pleaded with the Victorian Government to acknowledge the harm the long lockdowns the Victoria Government forced on the people, caused small business. We speak with Carly and explore the newfound freedom she has discovered as she shares her experiences, sheds light on the impact of cancel culture and the resilience of individuals who emerge stronger from such experiences.

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