Government Misinformation: Who’s Accountable?

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Welcome to The Aussie Wire, where we delve into pressing issues and shed light on important topics affecting Australians. Today’s episode, we explore the weaponisation of arrest by the Queensland Police, government censorship of online content, finding silver linings in the Victorian State Budget, and ongoing restrictions on free speech. Click on the video above to watch this episode as we navigate through these concerning developments in current Australian news.

  1. The Weaponisation of Arrest: Examining QLD Police’s Alarming Trend.
    In this segment, we investigate whether the Queensland Police have adopted tactics similar to Victoria Police by practicing ‘arrest for effect.’ We delve into the disturbing trend of police making arrests and laying charges not to pursue justice, but rather to enforce compliance. We address the implications for the general public and discuss potential courses of action to counteract this concerning practice.
  2. Senator Alex Antic’s Revelations: Government Censorship and Accountability.
    Our promised interview with Senator Alex Antic brings to light the Australian Government’s active censorship of non-approved opinions on Covid. We explore a recent FOI (Freedom of Information) request that revealed this censorship. Topher poses a critical question to the Senator: what happens if it is proven that the suppressed information was correct? We delve into the matter of accountability when the government itself becomes a source of misinformation.
  3. Finding Silver Linings in the Victorian State Budget: David Limbrick MP’s Perspective.
    Despite the challenging financial situation in Victoria and the accumulating debt under Premier Daniel Andrews’ leadership, David Limbrick MP manages to discover silver linings in the Victorian State Budget. We examine his views on the budget’s positive aspects and discuss their potential impact on the state’s economy and future prospects.
  4. Unveiling Ongoing Censorship: Michael Gray-Griffith’s Experience.
    In this segment, Michael Gray-Griffith from Cafe Locked Out joins us to share his recent experience with Facebook restrictions. While censorship has seemingly decreased in recent months, his encounter with account limitations sheds light on the lingering issue. We explore the implications of continued restrictions on free speech and the need for ongoing vigilance in safeguarding democratic principles.

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