Defying the Darkness: The Power of Courage and Clarity when psychopaths and cowards abound

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Today on The Aussie Wire, we delve into a range of pressing topics that have been impacting Australia and International political landscapes and media environments. We look at the challenges faced by the Victorian Liberal Party, to the controversies surrounding the Federal Budget, and the outspoken voice of Avi Yemini, and lastly we speak with UK based cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra. This episode sheds light on the detrimental effects of mismanagement on our nation and abroad as we connect you with the truth.

We’re just going to say it, the state of the Victorian Liberal Party is woful and unless the learn to fight… like a girl they are in serious trouble.
For 27 years, the Victorian Liberal Party have proven themselves inept at delivering positive change and have continuously let down the Victorian people. The lack of fight and the absence of principled leadership within the ruling party have only fuelled disillusionment and despair among the populace. This episode provides a scathing critique of the government’s repeated failures and their devastating consequences for the state. The expulsion of one of the few Liberals who stood firm on their principles in recent years raises concerns about the party’s future and highlights the detrimental impact of mismanagement within its ranks.

Next, we analyse the Federal Budget delivered by new Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers, with some pundits and media hailing the “return to surplus” as a triumph. However, we speak with regular guest Dr John Humphreys the Chief Economist of the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance to understand the true nature of the budget’s success, suggesting that it may be a result of smoke and mirrors. Factors such as inflation, figure fiddling, and strong commodity prices are explored as potential contributors to the budget’s “dead cat bounce.” Dr John Humphreys sheds light on the nuances and potential consequences of these economic trends in a way that we can all understand what this Federal Budget really is delivering to the Australian people.

We also speak with Avi Yemini, a prominent figure in Australia’s new-media landscape. Avi is a reporter with Rebel News and if you haven’t seen Rebel News before please check them out here.
In this episode Avi shares his unique experiences and perspectives. Having emerged as one of the country’s first “on location reporters,” Avis journey has been far from smooth. The episode highlights his wrongful arrests, vilification, assaults, cancellations, and deplatforming. Despite these challenges, Avi has remained resilient, continuing to make an outstanding contribution to the New Media landscape. His story serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of diverse voices in shaping public discourse.

Finally, we delve into the controversy surrounding Dr Aseem Malhotra‘s appearance on the BBC discussing heart health and the growing evidence supporting the view that mRNA vaccines have damaged heart health. While the video quickly went viral, ‘fact-checkers’ quickly censored the video with many copies disappearing from Facebook and warnings applied on other platforms. However, YouTube still has copies of the video online. Dr. Malhotra’s unwavering commitment to public health is at the forefront of this episode because his efforts to address the potential risks associated with mRNA vaccines are not driven by fear or controversy but by a genuine concern for the well-being of individuals. By presenting well-supported evidence and initiating discussions, he aims to ensure that public health remains a top priority and that decision-makers take all relevant information into account. The Aussie Wire celebrates his dedication to safeguarding the health and interests of the global community by having the courage and clarity when psychopaths and cowards abound to speak the truth.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra will be touring Australia – Want to Win Tickets to see him LIVE?

The Aussie Wire is GIVING AWAY two (2) tickets to see Dr Malhotra LIVE in your capital city.
To be in the running to win, you must become an Aussie Wire INSIDER before Thursday May 18th.
The draw will take place on Thursday, May 18th.

Don’t forget to watch new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday at 4 pm on, and catch up on previous episodes after subscribing to our YouTube channel.

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