So what is the Aussie Wire?

So what is the Aussie Wire?
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The Aussie Wire is ‘Your connection to the truth’. We provide commentary and perspective on the news that helps you cut through the crap and get to the truth behind the story.

The Aussie Wire has been a long time coming and is the product of my 13 years as a freedom-loving Independent Political Commentator, my 2 years of work under Victoria’s Covid Regime, and 12 months of business planning, proposals, and negotiations.

And finally. Finally. After all that we are gearing up for launch!

Since the launch of Battleground Melbourne early last year many of you have asked me ‘What’s next?’

The Aussie Wire is the answer to that question.

So what is the Aussie Wire?

The Aussie Wire is ‘Your connection to the truth’. We provide commentary and perspective on the news that helps you cut through the crap and get to the truth behind the story.

We do that by bringing together many of the names you know and love (announcements coming soon) who will be part of our 100% independent and 100% freedom loving commentary and news team, bringing a mix of interviews, analysis, and on-location reports straight to your computer or phone.

We’re building a new studio from the ground up and building our team as we speak. Launch is scheduled for the last week in April (ideally) or first week of May (if there’s a delay) and you’ll be able to watch our content FOR FREE on Youtube, Rumble, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (Twitter is coming soon).

Start by following us on the platforms above! There’s not much on those pages just yet, but that will change massively in coming weeks.

This is a very exciting time for me of course, but more significantly it’s a very exciting new beginning for Australian Alternative Media where we finally have a hub where we can all come together in a way that still allows us all to be completely independent.

The Aussie Wire is truly the best-of-both-worlds platform where the names you know and love (and new names of course!) can come together to create something truly unique and spectacular, whilst also keeping our own separate identities and platforms and continuing to grow in our own ways as well.

Keep an eye out for more news, behind the scenes videos, and much more as we approach our target launch date of April 25th!

And please help to spread the word about The Aussie Wire and help our launch be a huge success!

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